Installation view, ORGANS, SIGN+ Stichting, Gröningen, 2023

‘Organs’ is a video installation that delves into the concept of spatial perception, rhizomatic floating and spatial catharsis through the ambiguous narrative of a deceased spirit-body absorbed into space. Combining Icelandic landscapes with Parisian brutalist architectures, the video presents a 'body of land' composed of concrete slabs transformed into bones and matter vibrating like pulsating organs, where it becomes impossible to separate the self from the landscapes, emphasizing the interconnection between them.
Inner bodily noises resonate with samples of field recordings, echos of haunted voice and bursts of subjectivity, creating a homonymic synthesis and deterritorializing soundscape

Charlène Dannancier is a French multidisciplinary artist and composer who undertakes an experimental inquiry that traverses the mediums of sound, performance, installation and film.

Through her compositions and live performances often as her sensorial persona UNN, Dannancier crafts immersive and gripping encounters, guiding the audience along an emotional trajectory that oscillates between the dimensions of intimate revelation and disquieting unease. It is within this dialectic interplay that the multifaceted aspects of human existence are interrogated, evoking profound inquiries into the notions of subjectivity, control, and vulnerability.

Dannancier's versatile nature and unique audiovisual utterance transcend traditional boundaries, involving her in various contributions ranging from art direction, art-books conceptualisation, as well as collaborations with the fashion, design industries and art-club institutions.

She is currently a student of the MFA ARTIFICIAL TIMES at Sandberg Instituut.

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Upcoming Shows:
TBA, Düsseldorf
TBA, Zandaam

Past Shows (selection):
Rewire, Den Haag
OHM, Berlin
SIGN+ Gallery, Groningen
De School, Amsterdam
Echobox radio, Amsterdam
Exemplar X, Düsseldorf
Het Hem, Zandaam
Dutch Design Week, Eindhoven
Exist Festival, Amman
Mkalles Warehouse, Beirut
Super Tokonoma, Kassel
TLN Festival, Toulon
Gwangju Media Art Festival, Gwangju
Unofficial Preview Gallery, Seoul
Constant Value, Seoul
Transient Festival, Paris
Espace 29, Bordeaux